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News & Media Center
Your one-stop for the latest updates from ESEA!
ESEA tells the stories of the ESPs making our public schools work. Learn more about our activism on key issues facing our members, and hear what those members have to say about the current events that affect them.

New From ESEA

Read the latest on our advocacy, our members, and the education trends we're watching.

Press Releases

Our press releases include official statements, announcements, and more.
ESEA President Jan Giles smiles for a picture in front of a wood background.
We often say you cannot spell respect without E-S-P, and that is what we deserve.
Quote by: Jan Giles, ESEA President
ESEA members smile in a school hallway

Together we're stronger. Together we're heard.

You belong in the movement! Join today to belong to our movement of education support professionals fighting for the pay and working conditions we all deserve.

Your Union, Your Voice

We are THE voice for education support professionals in Clark County. See what membership can mean for you!

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.

Keeping the Promise of Public Education

ESEA is the largest ESP local in the United States and is a full-service employee association which is an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), the largest national association representing education employees in the United States.