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Contact Us

Have questions? Need help? Drop us a line.

If you have a question that need to be addressed by ESEA or would like to request an appointment, please fill out the information below.

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P.O. Box 13447
Las Vegas, NV 89121

Phone: (702) 794-2537
Fax: (702) 794-2539

Hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday (normal)*

*Office visits are by appointment only.

ESEA President

Jan Giles | [email protected]

ESEA Staff

Sonja Palmer, UniServ Director | [email protected]

​Betty Luna, UniServ Director | [email protected]



Keeping the Promise of Public Education

ESEA is the largest ESP local in the United States and is a full-service employee association which is an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), the largest national association representing education employees in the United States.