You belong in the Union. Join ESEA Today!
Education Support Employees Association (ESEA) believes in empowering education support professionals (ESPs) to help students succeed.
By banding together, we can create meaningful change for the students and education support professionals in Clark County.
We are the Education Support Employees Association (ESEA)
We're the education support professionals of Clark County united as one union, one voice.
Together we act at the district, state, and national level to make sure our voices are actually heard. We can have an even stronger voice when you join us today.
Creating Real Change
Becoming a member of the ESEA connects you with a movement of school staff supporting each other.
Our union advocates for the funding and resources that you, your schools, and your students deserve. This includes:

- Organizing for improved salary and benefits,
- Advocating for better working conditions,
- Assisting members with professional development and career advancement,
- Speaking up at the local, state, and federal level for the resources we need
By coming together as one union with power at the local, state, and national level, we can fulfill the promise of public education.
Join now and work with us to provide world-class education, pursue racial and social justice in our community, and tirelessly fight for the schools our students deserve!
About Our Union
The Education Support Employees Association (ESEA) is the largest ESP local in the United States and the recognized bargaining agent of Education Support Professionals in Clark County.
A Voice at Every Level
ESEA is also an an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA). ESEA elects local leaders, state leaders, and national leaders.
In addition, the ESEA has building representatives, so when you join, you have someone in your workplace that you can go to for community, advocacy, and information.