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Board of Directors

Learn about state board nomination and election rules, terms of office, and more.

The Board of Directors shall include the officers, as elected in accordance with Article V, Section 5, and the Directors selected by each of the following constituency groups on the one-person, one-vote principle, open nominations and secret ballot procedures: 

  • Clerical 
  • Food Service Operations 
  • Paraprofessional 
  • Health Occupations/Security 
  • Skilled Trades 
  • Technical 
  • Transportation 


Active membership must be held for at least two (2) years immediately preceding the nomination to qualify for Board of Directors. 

Term of Office

The term of office for a Director shall be three (3) years or until a successor is elected. A Director may not serve more than two (2) consecutive elected terms, including over one-half (1/2) of an appointed term to fill a vacancy, from the same area or employment level. 

Including the Officers elected in accordance with Article V, Section 5, no fewer than five (5) and no more than six (6) Directors will stand for election in any year in which Directors are being elected. 

The term of office for Director shall begin with the first Board of Directors’ meeting following the conclusion of the Representative Assembly in the year that the election for that Board of Director member occurred. 


Nominations of Board of Directors shall be announced at the Representative Council meeting no later than 90 days prior to that year’s DA. Nominees from the floor shall be permitted at that meeting. Election of officers shall be held not less than fifteen (15) working days after that Representative Council meeting. 


Directors shall be elected on an at-large basis by the membership from within the corresponding constituency. Each group shall make every reasonable effort to elect ethnic-minority representation Page 11 at least proportionate to its ethnic-minority membership. 

The Directors from each of the groups shall be elected from the active Association members in the group to be represented. The election shall take place in a timely manner with regards to the current year's Delegate Assembly concurrent with the election of officers. 

If the Board of Directors does not have ethnic-minority representation proportional to the total ethnic-minority membership of the Association, the Board of Directors shall call a special election for the purpose of electing ethnic-minority member(s) at-large to bring the Board of Directors into compliance.


Except that of President, vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment by the Association President, and approval of the Board, from the job family to be represented. This appointment will remain in effect until the next regular election for the office. 

At the conclusion of the term, the person appointed would then be free to run for the election in the normal manner and for the number of terms specified by the Bylaws, pursuant to Article VI, Section 3B. 


The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the general management of the Association. Its duties shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 

1. Submitting a Board-approved budget for the Association to the Representative Council for adoption in May. 

2. Implementing motions and resolutions made and approved by the membership. 

3. Making motion and resolution, putting into operation other measures consistent with these Bylaws and Policies of the Association. 

4. Setting the time and place and making all necessary arrangements for annual and special meetings of the members. 

5. Approving the appointment and discharge of all committees and/or committee members. Reviewing the activities of all committees and creating special committees. 

6. Approving guidelines for and having final authority over the disbursement of all monies. 

7. Approving and presenting General Election Procedures. 

8. Attending all Representative Council and General Membership meetings unless excused by the President.

9. Serving as Board Liaisons to committees, both standing and special.


Directors shall be paid a per Board meeting stipend. Reimbursement for expenses shall be as set forth in policy and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors. 


A per-member represented, weighted vote may be applied in any decision, including adoption of an emergency policy, if a member of the Board of Directors requests, prior to voting on the motion, that the weighted vote be used. 

Members of the Board of Directors must be present to vote and shall have one vote unless any other member of the Board asks that the weighted vote be used. 

Weighted voting may be used under the following conditions: 

1. Weighted voting shall not be used as a means for achieving the one-person, one-vote standard on the Board. 

2. Officers shall be granted one vote each whenever the weighted vote is called. 

The proportionate vote for each job family shall be based upon the official paid membership records as of February 1 and shall be allocated at one vote for every two hundred (200) paid members or a major fraction thereof. The President shall notify each Director and elected officer of the official count and per-member value of his/her proportionate vote at the first Board meeting following February 1.


The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of ten (10) times per school year. 

Special meetings may be called by the President or by petition of three (3) or more members of the Board of Directors. 

A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of doing business. 

When a member of the Board of Directors is absent from two (2) Board meetings in any six-month period without being excused by the President, that position shall be declared vacant and filled in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. 

Items may be added to the Board Meeting Agenda by petition of a member or members to the President or Executive Director.


Keeping the Promise of Public Education

ESEA is the largest ESP local in the United States and is a full-service employee association which is an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), the largest national association representing education employees in the United States.