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NEA Toolkit

3 Paths to Productive Labor-Management Collaboration for Local Education Unions and Associations

By working with management to solve tangible problems, local education associations can deliver results for students and educators.
Teachers and staff from UCLA Community School meet with UCLA professors Allison Shelley for American Education
Published: September 2021
This resource originally appeared on

The purpose of labor-management collaboration is to ensure that educators are involved in decision-making at the school and district levels. So how do local education associations get there?

No matter your starting point—whether labor-management relationships are positive or contentious and whether or not you have collective bargaining rights—collaboration is possible.

#1: Born of conflict 

You might think collaboration only happens when healthy relationships are in place. The truth is, collaborative practices might be the antidote to conflict and a lack of trust. 

That’s what the Rochester Education Association (REA) in Michigan experienced. After a difficult contract negotiation that started in 2013 and dragged on for a year, local president Doug Hill learned about collaborative practices at an NEA training for local presidents.

“It was transformational,” he recalls. He shared his experiences with his district’s director of human resources. REA has engaged in collaborative practices ever since.

Though the local and the district do not always agree, there is no question that educators are heard and have influenced the decision-making process.

#2: Sustaining relationships 

Perhaps you don’t see a need for collaborative structures if you have collective bargaining rights. But collaboration and bargaining support each other in key ways.

Both strategies require locals to organize members, build coalitions, identify desired changes, and implement changes once they are won.

While collective action is particularly effective for engaging members and building coalitions, but it is episodic and mostly focused on short-term goals.

That’s where collaboration comes in. The practice establishes a sustainable process for voice and influence, keeping educators involved in school and district decisions over the long term.

The San Juan Teachers Association (SJTA), in California, has both strong collective bargaining and a long-standing collaborative relationship with the district. In fact, they have effectively married these practices. And that relationship was invaluable during the pandemic.

“We weren’t exchanging proposals, we were writing agreements together in Google Docs, using the suggestion mode so everyone can see what we’re thinking,” says SJTA President Bill Simmons.

As a result, the union helped ensure the safety of returning staff and elevated the voices of their school nurse members.

“We were able to do in a few months what could normally take three years,” Simmons adds.

#3: Engaging the community 

Parents make great allies when it comes to advocating for better teaching and learning conditions.

In Val Verde, Calif., where the pandemic took a grave toll, parents were invited to join a new district-level task force that included educators, administrators, and school board members. The task force addressed everything from air filtration to hand-washing stations to social distancing procedures.

The task force will now be maintained indefinitely. “It’s the best forum we’ve ever had for hearing directly from parents,” says Val Verde Teachers Association President Micki Gates. “It’s not just about getting buy-in, it’s about ownership.” 

Know Your Rights

As a public school employee you may encounter situations where disciplinary action is taken against you. Remember, you have rights and you need to use them.
ESEA members attend trustee meeting

Our Voice = Our Power

When we unite and speak truth to power, we can have an enormous impact. That’s why our members join together to create a future where schools are funded, educators are supported, and students are thriving.

Keeping the Promise of Public Education

ESEA is the largest ESP local in the United States and is a full-service employee association which is an affiliate of the Nevada State Education Association (NSEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), the largest national association representing education employees in the United States.